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Article: How to choose a facial cream? 5 tips to choose the right cream

¿Cómo elegir una crema facial? 5 tips para elegir la crema correcta

How to choose a facial cream? 5 tips to choose the right cream

The environment negatively affects the skin: it loses nutrients, moisture... And as a result, the skin tone changes to grayish and wrinkles appear. How to prevent these processes that damage the skin? The solution is offered to us by the specialists of the Biopiel company. To solve these problems, you should use a face cream. For example, Gold Collection creams, in this case Ocean Deep Treatmnet, are ideal for softening wrinkles. But the question arises how to choose the cream suitable for your skin type. In reality, a woman not only chooses a product, but the beauty of her face! We will talk about 5 important cream selection criteria.


Skin problems in women are different. Based on this, creams treat and solve specific problems. The first selection criterion is to define the type of cream you need.

What types of cream exist?

  1. Purifying

Eliminates dead cells. It has a dense texture and is made in the form of an exfoliant. Be careful! The purifying cream is used only 2 times a week. Remember that the texture of this cream is strong and aggressive. If the texture were soft, it would allow the cream to be used daily and it would be a serious mistake.

  • Moisturizing

The moisturizer fills the skin with moisture. The composition of such a product includes useful ingredients such as emollients and humectants. The former provide elasticity. Moisturizers hydrate it.

  • Anti-aging

Natural anti-aging cosmetics slow down the skin aging process. Anti-wrinkle treatment is facilitated by the presence of vitamin A, C and other natural components, which are abundant in cosmetic products of the Natura Belaya brand. You can learn more about them here!

  • Protective

How to protect skin from aging? The formulation requires the presence of antioxidants in the product. They have properties that resist aging.

Depending on skin type

There are four types of skin: oily, dry, combination and normal. Each type requires personalized treatment. It is very important to take this criterion into account when making the choice.

  • Dry skin is prone to peeling. After cleaning, a feeling of tightness appears. This type of skin usually ages early. The solution is the use of moisturizing cream. As a result, the feeling of tightness disappears, the skin looks more beautiful and smooth. The composition of the cream is collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid.
  • Oily facial skin is prone to acne, blackheads, unhealthy looking shine, etc. This type is the densest and remains smooth and wrinkle-free for a long time. Natural creams containing plant extracts help us restore balance.
  • Combination skin brings together the symptoms described above of the two types: dry and oily. Creams for combination skin must be anti-inflammatory and moisturizing.
  • Sensitive skin is a specific reaction of the body to changes in the environment or directly within a person. The problem is solved by using a product that reduces the skin's sensitivity threshold.

According to age .

Cosmetics are divided by age. Based on age they are divided into groups.

There are two large groups: for young skin and mature skin.

The first group also includes adolescents. Cosmetics for adolescents reduce the effects that hormonal changes in the body leave on the skin. For the younger generations, these creams keep the skin healthy for longer. Suitable for people under 30 years old.

The second group is women over 30 years old. At this age, the skin begins to lose moisture, elasticity and the first wrinkles appear. The way out of the situation is to use creams that maintain the elasticity of the skin and fill it with life, hydrate it. Choose to buy anti-wrinkle creams. You will see the real result in two weeks.

According to the ingredients

Biopiel customers believe that only the natural composition provides 100% guarantee of optimal and healthy results.

Do not use the cream if you see that it contains the following ingredients:

  • Formaldehyde;
  • Paraben;
  • Alcohol;
  • Mineral oils.

The best creams are natural creams! In its composition there are plant extracts, vitamins, natural vegetable oils and other healthy components

According to _ he price

The price of natural cosmetics is not an issue for choosing the correct cream. Every woman knows that a natural and high-quality product is the key to having beautiful and healthy skin for many years.

Do not use cosmetic products from the “mass market” – supermarket segment.

The term “Mass market” refers to products produced in large quantities and at suspiciously affordable prices. The quality and safety of these products leaves much to be desired. Prolonged use leads to dermatitis, hypersensitivity, edema, irritation and hormonal alterations.

We have talked about 5 criteria to choose a perfect facial cream. We wish your skin to always be young and healthy!

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